On Wednesday afternoon I spotted what looked like a spot on the little man's forehead and thought nothing of it. It wasn't until I ruffled his hair (which I do often) that I noticed more bumps on his head. I lifted his top up at the back and he had about 4 blisters. That's when I knew he had chicken pox. I face timed my dad who confirmed it. He had the pox!
I've been dreading this day. My sister got chicken pox when she was around 3 so not far of the age of Eth now but even though I was around her all the time I never got it then. Instead I came down with it when I was 17. I was very poorly with it. It took me over a month to recover. Thankfully Eth is fine in himself. He's a little down because he's had to miss the last two days of school but other than that he's happy.
We had a rough night last night. He was up and down all night. I was on scratch watch and there to dry the tears. We're on day three and the ones he had on Wednesday seem to be drying up. New ones have appeared on his face but so far no blisters just red dots. So far I've only had to use antihistamines, calpol and luke warm baths to help him. I do have calamine lotion in though.
We've got his fingers crossed that by Christmas Day they will be scabbed over so we can stick to our original plans because as it stands we can't visit the in-laws as father in law has a weakened immune system. Thankfully if that happens my dad is more than happy to have us over as everyone at home has had it. I'm not going to lie I feel very stressed out about it all. At least so far none have appeared on the littlest. I hate having to keep brother and sister apart though.
To make light of the situation I've told Eth if he gets anymore I'll join them up and see what picture it creates. He's even been pressing the mild ones like buttons!
If there's one wish I have for Christmas it's for Eth to get better.
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