Thursday, 25 April 2013

Growing so fast

So the little man will be two years old in just over two months.
Where has the time gone? It only feels like yesterday when he was born. Now he is so independent and clever. I know I'm biased but considering his age he is already talking and forming sentences. He's in to everything which brings on the tantrums. Yes he's reached the terrible twos early.
He can be very testing sometimes especially as I work evenings and have him all day I can sometimes have a bit of a short temper. However we always make up and have a bit of a cuddle after we've clashed. Problem is we are very similar.

As he is very nearly two we are thinking about having another. Both H and I grew up with siblings and we want that for our son. Is it easier than everyone thinks to raise two or is it just as exhausting as it seems? Some days I just want to lay on the sofa and let him get on with it. This is down to my depression but the truth is I don't and we play together and it's great.

He's my shining light.

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