Tuesday, 2 July 2013

2 years gone by

So Ethan turned two yesterday. I know people always say time flies etc but in truth it does.I spent most of yesterday looking on in amazement that my baby has now grown into a independent toddler who loves nothing more than going off exploring.

He was born after a 3 day labour. Yes I was in labour for 3 days! The medical team were starting to get worried and there was talk of being rushed down to theatre if he didn't arrive soon. The midwife who delivered Ethan had stayed over her shift so she could be there to see him brought into the world safely. Thankfully I didn't need a c-section and instead he was born via vontouse at 5:37am.

We celebrated by taking him for a explore around our local national forest centre. I can happily say he enjoyed himself and as a result slept for 13 and a half hours last night.

Now here's the big thing. We're trying for another baby. It's only been a week but I'm starting to get stressed out about it. We aren't taking temperatures or anything like that but instead we're doing it the old fashioned way and letting nature take its course. It's just a lot of pressure once you start trying.  Kind of takes the fun out of things. It was so easy when we conceived Ethan. Here's hoping I'll have some good news soon.

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