Saturday 30 March 2013


I've not blogged recently but due to working loads and having a VERY active toddler I've had no time to think let alone to myself.
I'm still pretty down in the dumps with my depression but I'm trying to tackle the things that really set it off. For example my job, I don't enjoy it and the pay is awful. So I'm looking for a new one. However we are thinking about trying for a second baby which would mean if I swapped jobs I would not be entitled to maternity leave. So I'm considering sticking my current job out then moving on after I return to work.
I drive now so this makes future job prospects brighter.

I can't say Eth's dad and my relationship is perfect. There are some cracks but we are both trying really hard to fix them and not just 'smooth' over them. Date nights are really important but trying to find the time is harder than expected. Weekends are the only possible time we have but sometimes finding someone to have the little man can be hard. Hmm if only there was a magic fix.

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