Monday 22 September 2014

I've been pretty busy lately with the eldest being at pre school and the illness that comes from it so I've not had the time to update. However I've been suffering from insomnia recently because of some issues that have arose that I have no control over but have upset me and I'm having trouble switching off from them. 
The first being that Eth seems to be acting out at pre school. Each day when I pick him up it seems that his teacher always has something negative to say about his behaviour. I'm not saying he's an angel at home and wouldn't act the way they are telling me but when I ask him what happened I get the other side of the story. It seems that even though his class is only small he doesn't seem to be getting the attention he needs. He's a smart kid and I have been fortunate enough to work a job that allows me to be at home during the day so that I can sit down and teach him things like numbers and the alphabet. However the school he is attending don't seem to understand that what they are 'teaching' him he already knows and is acting out because he's bored. There are some other things that I am not happy about and as parents we have decided to make an appointment with the school to see if we can find out why this is happening. I've even considered taking him out because I feel they are punishing him because he's 3 and one of the youngest in his class. 

Helana has come on leaps and bounds.  She's now pulling herself up from a laying down position. Still no teeth but still lots of chewing. She's also showing signs of being ready to start weaning. She's had a few tastes of some easy to eat items like rusks and wotsits. Things that are easy to gum. 

The mr and I have been talking about trying to have a night a month for just us. We haven't been out together just the two of us since last January. We are never able to switch off because once the school run is done, the kids fed, bathed, ready for bed and asleep we still have a ton of things to do before we go to sleep. I know my brain never rests. I don't know if this why we never get invited to go out or to special events because we have kids. It's really starting to annoy the both of us. It's not a nice feeling when you realise you've been excluded from social gatherings. If given enough notice I'm sure we could arrange someone to have the kids while we go out but we never get the chance. I know I feel 10 years older then I am but we're both only still in our 20's and we would like to enjoy them. 

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