Monday 4 August 2014

Snibston discovery centre and toddler trantrums

After the mr working 7 days last week and not having a weekend we decided to go out for the day to Snibston Discovery centre (after much texting back and forth between the sister in law). It was a bit of a hectic morning getting the kids ready to go out and picking the car up from the parents in law but we made it. After Ethan trantruming because he didn't want to pick his auntie and uncle up he fell asleep which made for a peaceful journey. It was the first time we'd been out with them and I was a little nervous as how they would react to Ethan and his temper. 
Once we arrived he was a different child. Well until we got inside and he was having one of his days where no one could do anything right. Helana on the other was a gem. Didn't make a peep once and would probably slept all day if we hadn't woken her up to feed her. 
I thought the museum was great but I felt like I didn't really have much chance to take part because I was pushing the baby around and trying to calm a toddler. Maybe I'll revisit again either when Eth is a little older or even leave him with his grandparents. That's the thing about being a mum, you put everyone else's needs before yours. 

There were three large crocheted lioness' on display. They were made before the 2012 Olympics and went on your around the UK. if you fancy reading about it more. 

The fashion gallery was quite interesting. They had all sorts on display. Clothes through the eras, different materials and how they are made and even try your own weaving. 

(Corsets on display)

They even had an original wedding dress from the 1950's which is exactly like mine but a tad longer. Of course I didn't tell the mr that. 
It was a shame we couldn't explore the outside but it was tipping it down with rain. 
I WILL go back another time. 

When we got back home it was time for Helana to discover something. She finally rolled over! Just to prove it wasn't a fluke we watched her do it a further three times! She's not even four months old until this Saturday. A very proud mummy moment. Might of shed a tiny tear. 

This Saturday it's a family BBQ on the mr's side for one of his cousin's 21st. We've had no choice about going. We've been told we ARE going. Joy! I'm a little bit nervous because even after 5 years of being together there is still a fair few of the family in law I've not met. Could be interesting. 

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