Monday 14 July 2014

Time for change

I've realised that at the moment I am little more than a mummy. I'm not saying that this is the root of my depression but I feel that it is not helping. Don't get me wrong I love having kids and I know I am extremely lucky but I used to have hopes and dreams. I used to have interests. 
Being a mummy is wonderful and my kids are my world but maybe that's the problem. It certainly is difficult and I have the support of a wonderful partner and he's a fantastic dad but there are still days where I would love just to shut the door on the kids and be the person I once was. 

I've written a list of things that is like to do. 

Travel (anywhere and everywhere doesn't even have to be to other countries)

Go back to education (I've got a couple of A levels but I always hoped to take them a little further)

Take more time for myself (it's all too easy to forget about yourself when you have kids)

Read the classics (I own quite a few but have never really got around to reading them.)

Broaden my horizons (I feel secluded and quite set in my ways)

Get back into photography (I've always had an interest in it but when you're juggling a baby and a toddler some things get pushed to the sidelines)

Write more (I used to write all the time. I've got pads full of short stories. The mr even suggested I write a children's story as I'd "be good at it")

Get my confidence back (since the kids came along my confidence has been knocked)

Make new friends (I lost a good friend of mine in April to cancer and even though we never really hung out we were there for each other. We could chat about anything when we saw each other. I was there to help him with his problems and he was there to help me with mine. We grew up together and he'll be forever in my heart) 

Another thing, I've never had a desire to have a career. I have never really known what I wanted to do. However I would like to change job more because I get bored and I've been at my current job for 4 1/2 years. However I want to do this for myself not for anyone else. The in laws seem to take great pleasure in telling me I NEED a new job. Then again that's another story that I may have explained before. 

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